哈希表Hash Table
// copyright by hwdong
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 119
#define OK 0
#define ERROR 1
typedef int KeyType;
typedef struct{
KeyType key;
double score;
typedef struct h_lnode{
ElemType data;
struct h_lnode *next;
typedef struct{
/* int *array = (int *) malloc(100 * sizeof(int)) */
HLNode* *table; /* HLNode* table[100] */
int size;
int InitHashTable( HashTable *hashT){
hashT->table = (HLNode* *)
if (!hashT->table) return ERROR;
hashT->size = SIZE;
for (int i = 0; i < hashT->size; i++)
hashT->table[i] = 0;
return OK;
int Hash(KeyType key){ return key%SIZE;}
int InsertHashTable( HashTable *hashT,
KeyType key, ElemType e)
HLNode* s = (HLNode* )malloc(sizeof(HLNode));
if(!s) return ERROR;
s->data = e;
int hash_address = Hash(key);
s->next = hashT->table[hash_address];
hashT->table[hash_address] = s;
return OK;
int FindHashTable( HashTable hashT,
KeyType key, ElemType *e)
int hash_address = Hash(key);
HLNode* p = hashT.table[hash_address];
while (p){
if (p->data.key == key) {
*e = p->data;
return OK;
p = p->next;
return ERROR;
void HashTable_test(){
HashTable hT;
ElemType e;
KeyType key;
e.key = 2134; e.score = 10.5;
InsertHashTable(&hT,e.key, e);
e.key = 34; e.score = 20.5;
InsertHashTable(&hT, e.key, e);
e.key = 25; e.score = 30.5;
InsertHashTable(&hT, e.key, e);
key = 20;
if (FindHashTable(hT, key, &e)==OK)
printf("%f\n", e.score);
printf("can't find the key:%d\n", key);
key = 25;
if (FindHashTable(hT, key, &e)==OK)
printf("the value of key%d is:%f\n",key, e.score);
printf("can't find the key%d\n", key);
int main(){
return 0;
// copyright by hwdong
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 119
typedef int KeyType;
typedef struct{
KeyType key;
double score;
typedef struct h_lnode{
ElemType data;
struct h_lnode *next;
typedef struct{
// int *array = (int *) malloc(100 * sizeof(int))
HLNode* *table; // HLNode* table[100]
int size;
bool InitHashTable( HashTable &hashT){
hashT.table = (HLNode* *) malloc(SIZE*sizeof(HLNode*));
if (!hashT.table) return false;
hashT.size = SIZE;
for (int i = 0; i < hashT.size; i++)
hashT.table[i] = 0;
return true;
int Hash(KeyType key){ return key%SIZE;}
bool InsertHashTable( HashTable &hashT, KeyType key, ElemType e){
HLNode* s = (HLNode* )malloc(sizeof(HLNode));
s->data = e;
int hash_address = Hash(key);
s->next = hashT.table[hash_address];
hashT.table[hash_address] = s;
return true;
bool FindHashTable( HashTable &hashT, KeyType key, ElemType &e){
int hash_address = Hash(key);
HLNode* p = hashT.table[hash_address];
while (p){
if (p->data.key == key) {
e = p->data;return true;
p = p->next;
return false;
void HashTable_test(){
HashTable hT; ElemType e; KeyType key;
e.key = 2134; e.score = 10.5; InsertHashTable(hT,e.key, e);
e.key = 34; e.score = 20.5; InsertHashTable(hT, e.key, e);
e.key = 25; e.score = 30.5; InsertHashTable(hT, e.key, e);
key = 20;
if (FindHashTable(hT, key, e)) printf("%f\n", e.score);
else printf("can't find the key:%d\n", key);
key = 25;
if (FindHashTable(hT, key, e)) printf("the value of key%d is:%f\n",key, e.score);
else printf("can't find the key%d\n", key);
int main(){
return 0;