Previously, we discussed markov decision processes, and algorithms to find the optimal action-value function and . We used policy iteration and value iteration to solve for the optimal policy.
But it comes with many restrictions. For example, are there a lot of real world problems where you know the state transition probabilities? Can you arbitrarily start at any state at the beginning? Is your MDP finite?
Monte Carlo methods look at the problem in a completely novel way compared to dynamic programming. It asks the question: How many samples do I need to take from our environment to discern a good policy from a bad policy?
With a model, state values alone are sufficient to determine a policy; one simply looks ahead one step and chooses whichever action leads to the best combination of reward and next state, as we did in the chapter on DP.
Without a model, however, state values alone are not sufficient. One must explicitly estimate the value of each action in order for the values to be useful in suggesting a policy. Thus, one of our primary goals for Monte Carlo methods is to estimate .
Monte Carlo Prediction (Estimation of State Values)
First–Visit Monte–Carlo Policy Evaluation
policy to be evaluated
an arbitrary state–value function
Returns(s) an empty list, for all
Generate an episode using
for each state s in the episode do
return following the first occurrence of s
Append to Returns(s)
end for
end loop
Monte Carlo Estimation of Action Values
The only complication is that many state{action pairs may never be visited. If is a deterministic policy, then in following one will observe returns only for one of the actions from each state. With no returns to average, the Monte Carlo estimates of the other actions will not improve with experience.
One way to do this is by specifying that the episodes start in a state-action pair, and that every pair has a nonzero probability of being selected as the start. This guarantees that all state-action pairs will be visited an infinite number of times in the limit of an infinite number of episodes. We call this the assumption of exploring starts.
Monte Carlo Control without Exploring Starts
How can we avoid the unlikely assumption of exploring starts? The only general way to ensure that all actions are selected infinitely often is for the agent to continue to select them. There are two approaches to ensuring this, resulting in what we call on-policy methods and off-policy methods. On-policy methods attempt to evaluate or improve the policy that is used to make decisions, whereas off-policy methods evaluate or improve a policy diffierent from that used to generate the data.
In on-policy control methods the policy is generally soft, meaning that for all and all , but gradually shifted closer and closer to a deterministic optimal policy.
The on-policy method we present in this section uses -greedy policies.
That is, all nongreedy actions are given the minimal probability of selection, and the remaining bulk of the probability, . -greedy policies are examples of -soft policies,