install intellij IDEA
how to install intellij IDEA and create JavaFX Application
- openjdk (jdk12) at
- javaFX SDK 11 at
- intellij IDEA Community at
upzip openjdk and javaFX SDK to a directory such as c:\java
- Configure Environment Variables (Windows)
JAVA_HOME: c:\java\jdk-12.0.2 PATH_TO_FX: c:\java\javafx-sdk-11.0.2 add to system Environment Variable "path": %JAVA_HOME%\bin
install intellij IDEA
Configure IntelliJ
- Close all open IntelliJ projects to the Welcome to IntelliJ IDEA window
- Go to Configure → Settings → Appearance & Behavior → Path Variables
Click + to add a path variable using:
PATH_TO_FX for the Name c:\java\jdk-12.0.2 for the Value +Click OK
- Close all open IntelliJ projects to the Welcome to IntelliJ IDEA window
- Go to Configure → structure for New Project → Project setting → Project
- Click New… Select JDK and browse to C:\java\javafx-sdk-11.0.2
Under Project language level select 11 - Local variable syntax for lambda parameters
或 SDK default (12 ,no New language Features)
- Close all open IntelliJ projects to the Welcome to IntelliJ IDEA window
- Go to Configure → structure for New Project → Project setting → Libraries
Click + … Select C:\java\javafx-sdk-11.0.2
- Close all open IntelliJ projects to the Welcome to IntelliJ IDEA window
- Go to Configure → Run Configurations templates for NEW Project →
doto Templates and select Application
Paste the following in VM options:
–module-path ${PATH_TO_FX} –add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml
Click OK
- New IntelliJ Project
- Create a Java (not JavaFX) project, simple
- New IntelliJ Project
Create a JavaFX project
- Go to File → **Project Structure… **(CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S)
- Select Modules
Open the Dependencies tab and click *+8
Select JARs or directories…
Select C:\java\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib Click OK
- Go to File → **Project Structure… **(CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S)
Select Project
set the project SDK to 12. You can also set the language level to 12.
- Go to File → **Project Structure… **(CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S)
Select **Libraries **
and add the JavaFX 12 SDK as a library to the project. Point to the lib folder of the JavaFX SDK.
- goto Run -> Edit Configurations…
add these VM options:
–module-path ${PATH_TO_FX} –add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml
Application → Main →
use classpath of module,select “JavaFX”
- File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> Path Variables
check PATH_TO_FX point to: C:\java\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib
- Run -> Run…,select Main
Getting Started with JavaFX 12
下载安装openjdk (jdk12): 设置 JAVA_HOM 将%JAVA_HOME%\bin加到系统路径
安装javaFX SDK 11 不再Swing 设置 PATH_TO_FX